Crowdvolley IT Solutions


Ultimate banner


If you want to ultimate video banner you can select background type option then select “video” option and If you want
popup video option  then select need or no need popup section then select “need to video” and if you want no
 need popup section then select “no need popup” option. If you need banner with button then select
 need button & style section then select “yes” option if you no need button select “no” option.
 If you upload other video then select upload video clip option and upload your video.



If you want to ultimate  image banner you can select background type option then select image option.  if you need banner  with button
       then select need button & style section then select “yes” option if you need button select “no” option. If you want image
      with popup video option then select need or no need popup section then select “need to video” and
if you no need popup section then select “no need popup video “If you upload other image then
    select image option and upload your image.


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