It provides you with 100% Drag and Drop functionality which help in building any kind of website within no time.
It is also fully responsive on any resolution device (Mobile, Tab, Desktop).
Theme Settings are provided which can help change anything and on all website without any worry.
A Quick Demo
Play Video
Theme Settings
Global color
Some of our Featured Modules.
It’s basically images with different topics, also having different content over it. CTA’s are also available to redirect to any particular page.
It’s basically a pop-up section topics, when clicked on play icon will only show the pop-up video will open on the screen related t that our cars.
Our Gallery
It’s basically a slider representing various car profiles. It shows the title, description related to that particular car.
Client Reviews
There would be testimonials given by our clients based on the impact caused by our product.
These would be shown number of project is successfully.
All included templates are 100% ready-to-use, feel free to create new pages with any of the pre-built templates to experience all the features. All included templates are 100% ready-to-use.
Terms of Use
Terms of Use The copy of Renting-car you have in your portal is fully yours, but there are some terms and conditions that govern what you can and can't do, visit the following link to read more: Terms & Conditions
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